Get support from HR that is on your side, no matter what you’re facing.

Our services

Work with a coach

Sometimes the situation is extremely time sensitive or too nuanced for a message. If you would like to talk to someone about your what you are struggling with or trying to figure out, book a consultation to discuss live.

Multiple session - to be discussed

Book initial consultation  

For companies

If you are leading an organization and you believe a lot of your key talent will be reaching out to pHRiends, then maybe you should too. We offer culture diagnostics focusing on trust-related attrition, HR effectiveness audits, and leadership-driven retention deep dives.

Engagements vary by organization

Send an inquiry or Book an exploratory call

Email a question

Send us an email by filling out the form below and get a response from one of our HR professionals within a week

5-day turnaround  

Send a message

Book a consultation

Sometimes the situation is extremely time sensitive or too nuanced for a message. If you would like to talk to someone about your what you are struggling with or trying to figure out, book a consultation to discuss live.

one 50 mins session

Book session  

Email an urgent question

If your situation is a bit more time sensitive, send us an email and indicate that you want a quick response by selecting the checkbox in the form below. You will get a response from one of our HR professionals in less than 48-hours

< 2-days turnaround

Send a message

“I needed to quit a job that I loved for an incredible opportunity that came up. I wasn’t sure how to navigate that or even think through the trade-offs. Talking to pHRiend helped me clarify my thinking and leave my old job without burning any goodwill.”

— Elena | Partner | Venture Capital

Focus areas

Please note that we mainly focus on full-time, office professionals based in the US. If you are an international employee or currently working as in a non-exempt role, please be aware that our advice might be more limited.

Worrying alone? No need to do that anymore.

Talk to a pHRiend.